In 1994, Adleman described his pioneering research on DNA computing in Science, where he computed an instance of the Hamiltonian path problem with DNA in test tubes. 1994年,Adleman在著名杂志Science上发表第一篇关于DNA计算的文章,他用DNA在试管中解决了著名的哈密尔顿路径问题。
The proposed algorithms use path-based multicast routing models, other than by finding Hamiltonian or Eulerian path in the network. 所提出的算法用基于路径的组播路由模型,而不是在网络中找出哈密尔顿路径或欧拉路径。
In order to find out all Hamiltonian tours of a graph, this paper puts forward the concepts about H sets, H matrices joining product and path matrix, etc. 为求出图的全部哈密顿回路,本文提出了H集合、连接积、H矩阵和通路矩阵等概念。
A negative example shows that the model given by Mason Iri is used to prove that the relationship between the minimum flow problem and the Hamiltonian path problem in a ( directed) network, is not rigorous. MasonIri论证了网络最小流问题可以在多项式时间内转换为哈密顿问题的模型与方法。
By a Improved minimum weight matching algorithm, the optimal TSP Hamiltonian loop is calculated in the paper. According to the instructions of the optimal path, people start from a point, recover all the equipment then return. 通过一种改进的最小权匹配算法求出TSP问题的最优哈密顿回路,实现了从出海点出发,按照最优路径指示回收所有设备后返回,大大节省了出海费用。
In 1994, Adleman first solved a mathematic combination problem ( Hamiltonian path problem) by 1-D linear DNA self-assembly, which demonstrated the latent of DNA molecule for computation, and thus opened the new research field of DNA computing ( also called molecular computing). 1994年,Adleman首次用一维线性DNA自组装解决了一个数学上的组合问题(哈密尔顿路径问题),证明了DNA分子潜在的计算能力,并由此开创了DNA计算(又称分子计算)领域。